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Our Services

We employ highly qualified & experienced staff who will guide you through the B-BBEE legislation whilst providing professional verification services.


We see the relationship with each of our clients as a partnership and we are committed to providing the best resources to match the expectations of our clients.


The B-BBEE Verification process is an independent verification process aimed at verifying, confirming and validating the B-BBEE status of a measured organisation. This process provides an accurate, efficient and cost-effective way for businesses to establish and present their B-BBEE status.


Exempted Micro Enterprises

Exempt Micro Enterprises (EME's) are businesses with an annual turnover of below R10 million (Please note that the turnover thresholds for other sector codes are sometimes different to the Generic codes). They are exempt from having to comply with the B-BBEE scorecard and merely need to prove that their annual turnover is below the required turnover threshold. They are afforded an automatic Level 4 B-BBEE status. If they can also prove that they are 51% Black owned they are awarded an automatic Level 2 B-BBEE status. If they are 100% Black owned they are awarded and automatic Level 1 B-BBEE Status.

In terms of the Amended Codes EME’s only require an affidavit confirming their B-BBEE Status.


Qualifying Small Enterprises

Qualifying Small Enterprises (QSE's) are businesses with an annual turnover of between R10mil and R50 mil (Please note that the turnover thresholds for other sector codes are sometimes different to the Generic codes).


In terms of the Amended Codes an onsite verification is performed and the QSE’s are measureable in terms of all 5 elements of the QSE scorecard as depicted below:






















Generic Enterprises Verifications

Large Enterprises are businesses with an annual turnover in excess of R50 mil per annum (Please note that the turnover thresholds for other sector codes are sometimes different to the Generic codes).


The elements and weightings of the large enterprise generic codes scorecard are depicted below.


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